Ingram Memorial Co. - Dothan
Serving you with over 28 years of experience
Call Us For The Finest In:
* Marble & Granite Monuments
* Bronze
* Mausoleums
* Any Type Cemetery Work
* Vaults, Opening/Close Spaces
* Caskets
* Unique Concrete Products
Options are available when planning a funeral
The time between the death of a loved one and the burial is very emotional. Financial matters are most families concern, however finding quality service at a reasonable price is very important. Casket Gallery Inc. and Ingram Memorial Company Inc. are two businesses located on North Range Street in Dothan , Al. that are designed to do just that, offer quality and merchandise at great savings.
Susan Langley, who has been in the funeral business since March of 1980, purchased Ingram Memorial Company in 1997 and in July of 1998, after learning about a ruling by the Federal Trade Commission in 1994, decided to open the Casket Gallery. The rule passed by the F. T .C. states that "Funeral homes can no longer condition the purchase of a casket with the purchase of other funeral goods and services. If you are purchasing a casket from a source other than a funeral home, the funeral home of your choice must use the casket you have provided without duress or embarrassment to the consumer."
Casket Gallery offers a variety of top quality caskets at very competitive prices directly to the public. Delivery of the casket as well as vaults and opening and closing of the grave site are options also available with the services of Casket Gallery and Ingram Memorial. "We offer our customers the opportunity to purchase a casket and other services through us at a lower cost than ALL funeral homes."
Casket Gallery is one of three Certificate Holders( can sell Pre-need) retail stores operating in Alabama. A law was passed in Alabama in 2002 that you must have a licence to sell pre-need but not at-need. So make sure when you purchase pre-ned they are a preneed Certificate.Holders. With the growing cost of funerals, customers can save half the money on a casket purchased from Casket Gallery rather than what they would pay at a funeral home.
Ingram delivers and installs regular concrete vaults, the new Everlast, composite fiberglass vaults, and lined concrete vaults also at very competitive prices. Ingram also does any type of cemetery work, including a large variety of headstones to choose from, coping, as well as, cleaning and fixing up old cemetery plots and opening and closing of graves.
Let the trained staff at Casket Gallery and Ingram Memorial Company answer any of your questions. They understand the importance of planning a funeral and are there to help you make a sensible selection that is right for you and your family. Available to you are booklets put out by the Federal Trade Commission titled, "Funerals: A Consumer Guide". Visit our office at 2360 North Range Street and pick up your copy today, or call for an appointment.
Business hours are Monday-Friday from 7a.m. to 12a.m. and 1p.m. to 5p.m and Saturdays from 8:30a.m. until noon. There is also a 24-hour answering service available for your convenience.
Funeral Planning
1. Shop around in advance. Compare prices from at least two funeral homes. Remember that you can supply your own casket or urn.
2. Ask for a price list. The law requires funeral homes to give you written price lists for products and services.
3. Resist pressure. Resist pressure to buy goods and services you don't really want or need.
4. Avoid emotional overspending. It's not necessary to have the fanciest casket or the most elaborate funeral to properly honor a loved one.
5. Recognize your rights. Laws regarding funerals and burials vary from state to state. It's a smart move to know which goods or services the law requires you to purchase and which are optional.
6. Apply the same smart shopping techniques you use for other major purchases. You can cut costs by limiting the viewing to one day or one hour before the funeral, and by dressing your loved one in a favorite outfit instead of costly burial clothing.
7. Plan ahead. It allows you to comparison shop without time constraints, creates an opportunity for family discussion, and lifts some of the burden from your family.
Ingram Memorial Co.
2360 N Range St
Dothan AL 36303
Tel: 334 792-0044; 800 598-0045
Fax: 334 712-0476
